A black car with a powerful, fire-spewing engine causes deadly accidents involving police officers. A police department seeks to stop the car, but soon questions what they are chasing. The lethal car...
The Horseman Death breaks away and unleashes havoc on a large city. A police lieutenant and sergeant work to track down Death, while not completely sure of what it is they’re looking for. Death...
A serial killer has a large city gripped in a state of fear. The murderer crosses an ocean and ignites fear across an entire continent. The question goes from WHO is doing the killing, to WHAT is...
A small group of people are being pursued by a blood thirsty assassin organization. The group manages to stay one step ahead of the killers, all the while wondering how it is that their whereabouts,...
Genres include Horror, Fantasy, Historical fiction ∕ Romance, Thriller, Mystery, Western, and Science Fiction. Formats include hardcover, paperback, and E-books in countries where available. E-books...
Several novels in the formats of e-Books, paperback, and hardcover, are available in several countries depending upon title and format. E-books ARE Available Worldwide. Novels are in the genres of...