Business name:Audit Express
Company description:
We provide accounting and audit services for companies of all industries and backgrounds. We strive for high professional standard and uncompromising quality of work to give customer satisfaction at a reasonable price. We hope to build a relationship based on trust, assurance and integrity. Wilson Yeoh is a registered company Auditor with the Accounting & Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore (ACRA). He has more than 20 years of auditing experience over a wide range of industries. These industries include construction, engineering, shipping, associations, churches, clubs, retail, entertainment, information technology, trading & fund management.
Company activities:
With extensive experience across over various diversified sectors of industries, Audit Express provides a comprehensive range of financial accounting and taxation services to businesses covering SMEs, Sole Proprietors and Partnerships. These services can be custom tailored to individual requirements.
Date posted / updated:09/12/2017
User - registered since:09/11/2017
Added under the name:Audit Express
Posted in category:Finance, banking, insuranceFinancial consulting
Region:Central RegionDistrict / Area:Novena
Statistics:5468 impressions / 934 visits